El Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre: celebrando 10 años de apoyo a los países en la lucha contra los delitos que afectan la vida silvestre
El 23 de noviembre de 2020 se cumplen diez años del establecimiento del Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre ( ICCWC ), la iniciativa de colaboración entre la Secretaría de la Convención sobre el Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES), INTERPOL, la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (ONUDD), el Banco Mundial y la Organización Mundial de Aduanas (OMA). Estas cinco entidades intergubernamentales
La UNODC presenta el Informe mundial sobre los delitos contra la vida silvestre 2020
Ginebra, 10 de julio de 2020 - La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (ONUDD) dio a conocer el Informe mundial sobre los delitos contra la vida silvestre 2020 durante un evento virtual de alto nivel en el que formularon declaraciones la Sra. Ghada Whaly y la Sra. Angela Me , Directora Ejecutiva y Jefa de la Subdivisión de Investigación y Análisis de la ONUDD, respectivamente; Carla Montesi , Directora de la Dirección Planeta y
Primera conferencia de alto nivel de las Américas sobre el comercio ilegal de vida silvestre
Discurso de bienvenida de la Secretaria General de la CITES Excelentísimos Jefes de Estado, ministros, distinguidos invitados, señoras y señores, Es con gran placer que me presento ante ustedes en esta primera conferencia de alto nivel de las Américas sobre el comercio ilegal de vida silvestre. Seguimos constatando niveles extraordinarios de apoyo político de alto nivel y de cooperación internacional y regional y, en el contexto de este proceso, deseo felicitar al Gobierno del Perú por haber organizado esta importante
Opening remarks by John E. Scanlon, CITES Secretary-General
Bangkok, Thailand, 14 February, 2012 Executive Director of INTERPOL's Police Service Leaders of the Customs and Police authorities of the tiger range States Representatives of the Host Country Colleagues from the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime Distinguished participants " Our collective enforcement efforts to fight tiger crime must not just result in seizures - they must result in prosecutions, convictions and strong penalties to stop the flow of contraband. If we get the entire enforcement system right for the
World's wild tiger range countries agree on police and customs enforcement measures for nearly-extinct species
For use of the media only; not an official document. Bangkok (Thailand), 14 February 2012 - Police and customs heads from 13 Asian countries agreed today to tighten controls and improve cross-border cooperation to curb the illegal smuggling of tigers and other critically endangered species. The accord came at the conclusion of the two-day international "Heads of Police and Customs Seminar on Tiger Crime", which brought together top Police and Customs Officers from countries that still have tigers living in
Putting Saint Petersburg into practice
Putting Saint Petersburg into practice Geneva, 13 December 2010 Within days of the International Tiger Forum, held in Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation, from 21 to 24 November 2010 ( http://www.tigersummit.ru/eng/index ), tiger range States are demonstrating their commitment to combating illegal trade in tigers and working with the international community. During the Forum, leaders of tiger range States adopted the Global Tiger Recovery Programme and Saint Petersburg Declaration where they acknowledged that enforcement must be a priority and urged
Powerful alliance to fight wildlife crime comes into effect
For use of the media only; not an official document. JOINT PRESS RELEASE Powerful alliance to fight wildlife crime comes into effect Saint Petersburg/Geneva/Lyon/Vienna/Washington D.C./Brussels, 23 November 2010 - While the majority of the discussions at the International Tiger Forum in Saint Petersburg this week are understandably on tiger’s habitats and ecosystems, the heads of five major international agencies have met to seal a powerful alliance to fight wildlife crime effectively and discuss collective actions to stop the key drivers
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