Month-long transcontinental operation hit wildlife criminals hard
Únicamente para uso de los medios de comunicación; no se trata de un documento oficial. COMUNICADO DE PRENSA La operación transcontinental de un mes de duración golpea duramente a los autores de delitos contra la fauna y la flora silvestres La mayor operación mundial jamás emprendida ha resultado en 1.974 confiscaciones y la identificación de 1.400 sospechosos Entre los especímenes confiscados cabe citar 1,3 toneladas de marfil de elefante, 8 toneladas de escamas de pangolín, 4.000 aves y 27.000 reptiles
Países claves en la lucha contra el tráfico de marfil se reúnen para seguir reforzando medidas para combatirlo
Ginebra / Maputo, 7 de mayo de 2018 - Más de 60 representantes de 24 países de África, Asia, Europa y América del Norte, y de organizaciones intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales, se reunieron en Maputo (Mozambique), del 1 al 4 de mayo de 2018, para estudiar la elaboración y la aplicación de Planes de acción nacionales para el marfil (PANM) . Según la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES), algunas de sus
Controlled deliveries: a tool for reaching the big players in illegal wildlife trafficking
A group photo of the participants to the workshop (click to enlarge) Organized by the World Customs Organization (WCO), under the auspices of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), the first international workshop on Establishing a Network of Controlled Delivery Units for Forest and Wildlife Law Enforcement ended on 9 December, after three days of deliberation. Controlled deliveries have long been a tool for investigating drug and tobacco smuggling but their use in wildlife smuggling is more recent
CITES Secretary-General welcomes Resolution of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on illicit trafficking in endangered species of wild fauna and flora
During its meeting in Vienna, from 11-15 April 2011, the United Nations’ Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice adopted a Resolution on “Crime prevention and criminal justice responses against illicit trafficking in endangered species of wild fauna and flora” which was proposed by Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and the Philippines. Organized criminal networks are known to be involved in the poaching of rhinoceroses, as one example of illicit trafficking in endangered species. The Resolution ( full text attached)
ICCWC begins its work
ICCWC begins its work The Senior Experts Group of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) met last week at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna, Austria. Opened by Mr Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC, the meeting provided an opportunity for specialized staff of the five partner agencies to plan ICCWC activities in the short and mid-term. Experts agreed to develop a comprehensive programme of work. This programme will exploit the expertise of
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