CITES Secretary-General's keynote address at the International conference on wildlife crime - The Hague, Netherlands
Keynote Address - Plenary Opening Session By John E. Scanlon CITES Secretary-General CITES – galvanizing a global collective effort to save wildlife “ CITES … an international agreement that stands at the intersection between trade, the environment and development ” 1 ----- Hon. Martijn van Dam, Chair of the Conference, Minister for Agriculture of the Netherlands Dr. Abiodun Williams, President, The Hague Institute for Global Justice The Hon. Claudia McMurray , Senior Counselor, The Prince of Wales ISU Distinguished guests
El Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre lanza indicadores de observancia para los delitos contra la vida silvestre y los bosques y un nuevo programa global
Únicamente para uso de los medios de comunicación; no se trata de un documento oficial. COMUNICADO DE PRENSA El Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre lanza indicadores de observancia para los delitos contra la vida silvestre y los bosques y un nuevo programa global Ginebra, 13 de enero de 2016 – El Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre (ICCWC) ha revelado su Programa estratégico para 2016-2020 , donde expone las actividades, operaciones
Opening remarks by John E. Scanlon, CITES Secretary-General
Bangkok, Thailand, 14 February, 2012 Executive Director of INTERPOL's Police Service Leaders of the Customs and Police authorities of the tiger range States Representatives of the Host Country Colleagues from the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime Distinguished participants " Our collective enforcement efforts to fight tiger crime must not just result in seizures - they must result in prosecutions, convictions and strong penalties to stop the flow of contraband. If we get the entire enforcement system right for the
World's wild tiger range countries agree on police and customs enforcement measures for nearly-extinct species
For use of the media only; not an official document. Bangkok (Thailand), 14 February 2012 - Police and customs heads from 13 Asian countries agreed today to tighten controls and improve cross-border cooperation to curb the illegal smuggling of tigers and other critically endangered species. The accord came at the conclusion of the two-day international "Heads of Police and Customs Seminar on Tiger Crime", which brought together top Police and Customs Officers from countries that still have tigers living in
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