Operation Thunder 2023: 2,114 seizures of endangered animals and timber in major international law enforcement operation
Originally published by INTERPOL and WCO . Operation Thunder 2023: 2,114 seizures of endangered animals and timber in major international law enforcement operation Endangered animals including elephants, rhinos and pangolins, as well as protected timber, particularly tropical hardwoods, have been seized in a joint INTERPOL - World Customs Organization (WCO) operation to stop wildlife and timber trafficking. From 2 – 27 October, customs and police officers coordinated some 500 arrests worldwide and more than 2,000 confiscations of animals and plants
ICCWC at SC77 – exploring the importance of illegal trade data, evidence-based interventions and enhanced responses in the fight against wildlife crime
ICCWC at SC77 Exploring the importance of illegal trade data, evidence-based interventions and enhanced responses in the fight against wildlife crime Over the past week, a number of global wildlife trade issues concerning a variety of wildlife species have been discussed at the 77th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Standing Committee (SC77), held in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting provided an opportunity for the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime launches Biannual Report 2021 - 2022
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime launches Biannual Report 2021 - 2022 19 June 2023 The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) has launched its Biannual Report for 2021 – 2022, highlighting the successes and achievements of countries supported by ICCWC Partners in combating wildlife and forest crime. Read it here. Countries have made good strides in the battle against wildlife crime. The report highlights the work conducted to support law enforcement authorities across the globe to better
Combating the illegal trade in big cats – 28 countries come together as part of CITES Big Cats Task Force
On 24 – 28 April 2023 the CITES Secretariat (The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) convened a meeting of the CITES Big Cats Task Force in Entebbe, Uganda, to strengthen responses to the global illegal trade in big cats. Over 70 representatives from 28 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America and representatives from the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), other international inter-governmental, Regional Wildlife Enforcement Networks and
Operation Thunder 2022: Global crackdown on illegal wildlife and timber trade
Hundreds of arrests, thousands of seizures and the disruption of wildlife and timber crime networks have taken place globally in 125 countries. Codenamed “Thunder 2022", the joint law enforcement operation coordinated by INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization (WCO) and with the backing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), brought together police, customs, financial intelligence units and national bodies responsible for combating
Global arrests and seizures: WCO-INTERPOL Operation Thunder 2021 strikes wildlife and timber trafficking networks
For use of the media only; not an official document. PRESS RELEASE Global arrests and seizures: WCO-INTERPOL Operation Thunder 2021 strikes wildlife and timber trafficking networks 30 November 2021 - A worldwide enforcement operation against wildlife and timber crime coordinated by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and INTERPOL has disrupted crime networks and seen hundreds of arrests worldwide. Codenamed Thunder 2021, the month-long (1-31 October) operation involved Customs, Police, financial intelligence units and wildlife and forestry enforcement agencies in 118
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime - Annual Report 2020 – Together Against Wildlife Crime
For use of the media only; not an official document. Comunicado de prensa: Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre – Informe Anual 2020 – Juntos contra los delitos hacia la vida silvestre El Consorcio Internacional para Combatir los Delitos contra la Vida Silvestre ( ICCWC ) ha publicado su informe anual sobre el año 2020, titulado Juntos contra los delitos hacia la vida silvestre. En el informe se pone de relieve cómo las alianzas entre el
Global alliance celebrates 5 years’ achievements in combating wildlife crime
For use of the media only; not an official document. PRESS RELEASE Global alliance celebrates 5 years’ achievements in combating wildlife crime International consortium was launched at Global Tiger Forum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 2010 Geneva, 23 November 2015 - The increased involvement of organized crime groups and on some occasions rebel militia, has changed the dynamics of combating wildlife and forest crime. The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) was formed to ensure a formidable and coordinated
UNODC Special Event "Addressing the nexus between wildlife and forest crime and corruption"
On November 3, UNODC hosted a special event "addressing the nexus between wildlife and forest crime and corruption," organized by the Corruption and Economic Crime Branch and the Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime, and held during The Sixth Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption. This high level event was an urgent call for immediate action to the anti-corruption world. All speakers, which included the Executive Director of UNODC, Secretary General of
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