Physical Inspection, Wood Identification, Risk Assessment and Forensics: Empowering Law Enforcement Officers to Tackle Illegal Timber Trade in Africa
Physical Inspection, Wood Identification, Risk Assessment and Forensics: Empowering Law Enforcement Officers to Tackle Illegal Timber Trade in Africa Kampala, 9 December 2024 – Healthy forests sustain biodiversity, livelihoods, and local economies. Home to most of the planet’s terrestrial species, forests provide millions of people with jobs, along with food and fuel for more than 90 percent of the world’s most vulnerable populations. When forests are threatened, so too are the benefits they provide and the survival of wildlife. To
The Consortium launches its 2023 Annual Report
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime launches its 2023 Annual Report The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) has launched its Annual Report for 2023. The 2023 Annual Report highlights the successes and achievements of countries supported by ICCWC in combating wildlife and forest crime. The Consortium uses targeted and evidence-based approaches to strengthen criminal justice systems and provide coordinated support to enhance responses to wildlife crime. This includes technical assistance, intelligence-led global operations, capacity building, financial investigations
Launch of the World Wildlife Crime Report 2024: New data, trends, threats and possible solutions to combat illegal wildlife trade
Launch of the World Wildlife Crime Report 2024: New data, trends, threats and possible solutions to combat illegal wildlife trade Vienna, 14 May 2024 The World Wildlife Crime Report 2024 was launched yesterday by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna, Austria. This is the third report in a series following the 2020 and 2016 publications. The report provides an updated focus on trends in the illegal trade in wildlife species listed in the Convention on
From Seizure to Prosecution: ICCWC hosts first global Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference
From Seizure to Prosecution: ICCWC hosts first global Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference 1 May 2024 From 22 to 24 April 2024, global law enforcement agencies across customs, police, prosecution from more than 20 countries from South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Pacific, met as part of the first ICCWC Global Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade. The conference was organized by the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) and hosted by one of the five ICCWC partners, the World Customs
Global arrests and seizures: WCO-INTERPOL Operation Thunder 2021 strikes wildlife and timber trafficking networks
For use of the media only; not an official document. PRESS RELEASE Global arrests and seizures: WCO-INTERPOL Operation Thunder 2021 strikes wildlife and timber trafficking networks 30 November 2021 - A worldwide enforcement operation against wildlife and timber crime coordinated by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and INTERPOL has disrupted crime networks and seen hundreds of arrests worldwide. Codenamed Thunder 2021, the month-long (1-31 October) operation involved Customs, Police, financial intelligence units and wildlife and forestry enforcement agencies in 118
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime - Annual Report 2020 – Together Against Wildlife Crime
For use of the media only; not an official document. PRESS RELEASE The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime - Annual Report 2020 – Together Against Wildlife Crime The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime ( ICCWC ) has launched its Annual Report for the year 2020, titled Together Against Wildlife Crime. The report showcases how the Consortium’s partnerships with Member States and other stakeholders have helped enhance the capacity of customs, police, wildlife authorities and the entire criminal justice
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime: Celebrating 10 years of supporting countries to combat wildlife crime
On 23 November 2020, we mark ten years since the establishment of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime ( ICCWC ), the collaborative effort between the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Secretariat, INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the World Bank and the World Customs Organization (WCO). These five inter-governmental bodies are collectively working through ICCWC to enhance capacity and bring coordinated support to national agencies responsible
UNODC launch the World Wildlife Crime Report 2020
Geneva, 10 July 2020 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) unveiled the World Wildlife Crime Report 2020 during a high-level virtual event at which statements were delivered by Ms. Ghada Whaly and Ms. Angela Me , respectively UNODC’s Executive Director and Chief of Research and Analysis Branch; Ms. Carla Montesi , Director for Planet and Prosperity of the European Commission’s Development Cooperation Directorate; Ms. Astrid Schomacher , Director for Global Sustainable Developmentof the European Commission’s Directorate
First High-level Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Americas
Welcoming speech from CITES Secretary general (5 min.) Excellencies, Heads of States, Ministers, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me to be here with you at this First High-level Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Americas. We continue to see a great deal of high-level political support and cooperation at international and regional levels, and, in this regard, I would like to congratulate the Government of Peru for having organized this important conference in
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